понедельник, 27 ноября 2017 г.

Чезаре Повезе о площади Испании

Знаменитый поэт Чезаре Повезе о площади Испании (в вольном переводе стихотворение называется "Проходя через площадь Испании"):

There will be a luminous sky
The streets will open up
on the hill of pines and stone.
The turmoil on the street
will not change the still air.
The flowers sprayed 
with colours at the fountains
will glance like amused women. The stairs
the terraces the swallows
will sing in the Sun.
That street will open,
the stones will sing
the heart will pound
like the water in the Fountains
this will be the voice
that will climb your stairs.
The windows will know
the smell of stone and morning air.
A door will open.
The turmoil in the streets
will be the turmoil of the heart
in the bewildered light.
It will be you - still and luminous

(с) Чезаре Павезе

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